Prof. Jan W. Dobrowolski
Ph.D., D.Sc., Dr.h.c.A few words about myself
I am the chairman of the Interuniversity Team of Sustainable Development and Ecoinnovation (as well as 15 International Conferences in this field from 1989 to 2014),fellow of the World Academy of Arts and Science, Royal Academy of Science-Institute of Spain, Consortium of the World University, Academeie Internationale des Sciences Ararat, Board of Directors of the International University of Bio-Environment and International Ansted University, professor of environmental engineering, biotechnology and human ecology of the International University of Fundamental Studies, member of the Interuniversity Consortium of Biotechnology in Krakow, European Institute of Ecology and Cancer, founding member of the International Union of Elementologists and the Balkan Academy of Sciences and Sustainable Development

My Research
I have 44 years experiences in international problem-solving
training of experts in Bioeconomic and Bio-based Sustainable
Development, open for all education of knowledge-based society and experts on Common Action for better quality of life (including environmental health) and creation new green jobs by dissemination eco-innovations an interdisciplinary case study adopted to different regions of Europe, Asia, America and Africa.
I have worked on the introduction of an innovative biotechnology for helping victims of ecological disasters in Minamata, Japan; Bhopal, India and sustainable development of selected deteriorated areas (including new applications of laser biotechnology).
I am also focusing on the future applications of long term experiences in the integration of global thinking and UNs priority of protection of the Biosphere, Human Environment and Sustainable Management of the Natural Resources with local actions in different regions of the world.
My work includes promotion of the Sustainable Development and Bio-based Green Economy for Better Quality of Life for All (including adaptation to Climate Change) by training and dissemination of the new, useful biotechnology, human ecology, ecological engineering and common action of Experts and knowledge-based Society (including distance education and Life-Long Learning ).
I have authored over 300 publications, including international
monographs and I am the member of Editorial Boards of environmental journals including Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, Environment and Sustainable Development, Geomatics and Environmental Engineering.
My Scientific Interests
Application of laser biotechnology
Early detection of environmental risk factors
Environmental health and sustainable development
Primary prevention of incurable civilization diseases
Human environment (including protection in door environment in living houses in cities and rural areas) in linkage with sustainable design of new buildings, habitats .
Dissemination on biotechnology and ecological engineering
Possible forms of cooperation
Expert Opinions
- environmental impact assessment (integrating human ecology , eco-toxicology etc.)
- application of the laser biotechnology for adaptation to climate change, food production, waste water treatment, reclamation of deteriorated and semi desert, enhancement of the biomass production in energy plantations
- nutritional and environmental health (including protection of environment in buildings
- greening of cities and urban agreeculture
Advanced Training (diploma, doctoral studies and graduates)
- innovative biotechnology (environmental and medical) for bioeconomy driven sustainable development
- laser biotechnology for sustainable management of the natural resources adopted to regional conditions (incl. introduction know-how and creation of the green jobs)
- integration of the environmental impact assessment with application of innovative environmental biotechnology for elimination of the environmental risk factors for human and health, culture and nature heritage and greening cities including Underground Urban Agriculture
Featured Publications
- Dobrowolski J.W. Laser biostimulation for better management of the natural environment and sustainable development, In.; Proc. International Seminar on Cell Bioenergy and Laser Biostimulation,W.M.Inyushin et al., eds, Kazach University, Alma-Ata, 1976.
- Dobrowolski J. W., 1976, Modern science for future environmental and social activity of university youth, In: Environmental Quality and Safety, Global Aspects of Chemistry, Toxicology and Technology as Applied to Environment, F. Coulston, F. Korte, eds, Vol. 5, Georg Theme Publ., Stuttgart, Academic Press, New York, San Francisco, London:78-88.
- Dobrowolski J. W., 2002, Global environmental problems and local common action for Sustainable Development, Proc. Intl. Conference on Promotion Sustainable Development on Global Scale in the context of the forthcoming Earth Summit, EuroEco 2002, AGH, Krakow.
- Dobrowolski J. W., 2008 a, An introductory study of the human ecology and education for the Sustainable Development of National Parks in Poland and New Concept of Sound Tourism Management applied to the Cinque Terre National Park in Italy, In: Research and Cases and Theories Across Disciplinary Boundaries Towards a Sustainable Life, Stuhler E. A., Misra S., eds, Rainer Hampp Verlag, Munchen und Mering: 91-100.
- Dobrowolski J. W., 2008 b, Reflexions sur la qualite de Vie et la perennite de la Civilisation Contemporaine, In: L’après Developpement Durable, Espaces, Nature, Culture et Qualite, A, Da Lage, J.-P.Amat et al., eds, Ellipse, Paris:167-180.
- Dobrowolski J.W. et al., Distance Education for Promotion Sustainable Development based on Eco-Innovation, In press at the Global Monographic e-Book, 2017 available via Internet see Research Gate.